Using web technologies
You may find making changes to your web browser settings help you use this website. You can change the options in your browser to adjust the size of the text, the colour of the text and the colour of the background. If you are using the latest version of Internet Explorer you will be able to override the colour scheme of this and many other websites.
Changing browser settings
To set Internet Explorer to ignore the colours and fonts used in websites, first go to the ‘Tools’ menu and choose ‘Internet Options’. Then click on the ‘Accessibility’ button, then tick the ‘ignore colours’, ‘ignore font styles’ and ‘ignore font sizes’ boxes . Then click OK to apply the settings.
To change just the size of text go to ‘View – text size’ and choose the setting you are most comfortable with (largest, larger, medium, smaller, smallest).
You may also find it useful to change the default colours and fonts used on your computer. The procedure for doing this is different for different versions of Windows and other operating systems. You should therefore consult your computer’s Help facility for instructions on doing this. Further information is available from AbilityNet’s ‘My computer my way’ website – see www.abilitynet.org.uk/myway